08.02.2013 | Hungary, Szentes


Animals 'Angels follows a transport of ducks in East Hungary. The cages in which the ducks are transported are old and made of metal. The cages seem very insecure. Crossing the center of a city, Clem, one of the ducks falls off the truck tumbling on the road at risk of being hit by cars. About ten minutes later two other ducks, Yannie and Robin, fall off the top levels of cages. Robin is taken by Hungarian pedestrians. The other two ducks are saved by Animals’ Angels. The driver stops after a few minutes and checks out the cages. Animals and cages are covered in excrements. At the arrival at the slaughterhouse some animals are observed with their legs stuck in a door and another duck has feathers smeared with blood. The slaughterhouse denies Animals' Angels to enter and the security staff tries to block the team because of taking photographs. The team alerts the police but unfortunately the officials do not react even knowing that the slaughterhouse is a few hundred meters away. Animals' Angels will send an official complaint to the Hungarian authorities.