15.02.2015 | Participating in Lecture Series in Münster

Animals' Angels Projektleiterin Sophie auf der Vortragsreihe "Umwelt" in Münster.
Animals' Angels Projektleiterin Sophie auf der Vortragsreihe "Umwelt" in Münster.
Animals' Angels Projektleiterin Sophie auf der Vortragsreihe "Umwelt" in Münster.

Following an invitation by the Initiative for Sustainablity and Ethics, Animals‘ Angels gives a lecture in Münster, Germany. In our lecture we present to the audience our work for the animals, give insight behind the scenes of the animal transport and farming sector and share our political and administrative experiences.

Our presentation is part of the Umwelt (environment) lecture series being supported by the city of Münster. The series started in September 2015 with one lecture being held each month.

We'd like to deeply thank for the invitation to participate in this well organized event and all the interested inquiries and contributions to the following discussion.