16.09.2015 | Inspection of Mundijong Animal Market

Krankes Lamm auf dem Tiermarkt von Mundijong, Australien
Krankes Lamm auf dem Tiermarkt von Mundijong, Australien
Krankes Lamm auf dem Tiermarkt von Mundijong, Australien

Animals’ Angels visit the small market where there are 23 sheep and 12 pigs for sale. 6 of those pigs are pregnant. The are also numerous birds including poultry along with small animals such as rabbits for sale.

One of the lambs is panting and exhibits an elevated respiratory rate. The temperature is 18°C and sunny but the others are not showing the same behaviours. And because some of the sheep did not have the proper identification, the DAFWA Officers who were present instructed the vendor to removal all animals from the sale and get a vet to attend the lamb. The sheep were placed in a sheltered and grassed area and will be collected in a day or so.

The sale is very quick but again there are many problems loading the pigs. Animals’ Angels meet with two Local Govt Councillors who are in support of improvements being made to the facility, in particular the ramp and the undercover area. They are very interested in how the facility copes with implementing humane ways of handling animals. But because of the poor design of the ramp and urgent need for improvements humane treatment sometimes is lacking.

We make sure 9 pigs are loaded carefully.