21.-22.07.2012 | Italy


Animals’ Angels is in Italy on the highway on the route from Spain, France to Italy and checks a truck with sheep on 21.7.2012 at 3:00 o’clock at night.

At a first check the animals have problems with insufficient space over them as some sheep touch the ceiling with their head. There is also an insufficient amount of sand used as bedding, which is even dirty with excrements. At a second check at 6:00 in the morning, some sheep have a bad nose inflammation with mucus, possibly due to ammonia gases inside the truck. Some other sheep suffer from eye inflammation. The water system is turned on but the sheep seem not to know how to get the water from pig nipples. What is worse, the team can inspect every single deck and finds a sheep lying in a lateral position, trembling and shivering on the floor. The sheep, Angela, is unloaded at a control post after 3 hours of further travelling. An official veterinarian is present there, he inspects the other animals on board of the truck and checks the documents. The truck is allowed to continue its journey to southern Italy because according to him the other sheep look fit for the transport and the density is ok. Angela is killed humanely with veterinary euthanasia two hours later. We will ask for official information about the condition of the animals at the final destination and complain about this transport to the authorities.