Animal Transports EU: Sheep Loaded on Four Decks Suffer From Lack of Space

Sheep Transport: Animals are Suffering from Lack of Space and Low Ceiling Height

Animals' Angels inspects animal transports in Romania. On a country road in the east we notice a transport with sheep. We follow him. When he stops for a few minutes, we can look for the sheep. We immediately notice Miro – he lies on his side, his eyes half closed. Because of the confinement inside, other sheep stand and sit over and on him. We try to get him to stand up, but he looks exhausted and remains motionless.

Most of the other sheep are standing. But since they have been loaded on four decks to increase profit, they hit the ceiling with their heads or backs. Because of the many potholes in the streets in Romania, this is an additional and unnecessary burden for the animals. Some of them have to stand bent over, and every pothole poses the risk of bumping their heads against the ceiling.

When we arrive at the slaughterhouse, we draw the driver's attention to Miro. But even he cannot get Miro to stand up. It is only during unloading that he finally gets back on his feet and is driven to the slaughterhouse together with the other 400 sheep.  

We raised the described problems to the slaughterhouse operators and filed a complaint to the competent authorities.