Animals' Angels is participating virtually in the One Welfare Conference 2021. The One Welfare concept is based on the connection between animal and human welfare and the environment. In five areas, One Welfare brings together experts from different disciplines and countries to work together to find solutions and implement them in projects.
The conference program consists of a mix of different topics. Of course, Covid-19 plays a major role here as well. Among other things, the presentations will cover the impact of Covid-19 on the work of some animal welfare programs and on human and animal life and health in different regions of the world. Similarly, the impact of Covid-19 on human-animal relationships and poaching in Africa will be explored in more detail. Another presentation highlights the risks of dog and cat meat markets as a potential source of a future pandemic.
In the 'livestock' sector, the focus is on 'working' horses and donkeys and their owners in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The relationship between farmer satisfaction and the welfare of their animals and examples of new farming concepts are also the subject of some presentations.
Particularly moving is the presentation on the trade in donkey hide sold to China as an ancient remedy. Over 300,000 donkeys were slaughtered in Kenya between April 2016 and December 2018 just for the sale of their skin. Their meat, on the other hand, finds few buyers. Often, donkeys are stolen in rural areas, transported or herded to slaughterhouses for days without water or food. The extreme suffering of the animals is compounded by the desperation of the stolen owners. With their donkey, they usually lose an important partner who supports them in many areas of their daily lives and contributes decisively to their livelihood.
An interesting and informative conference that provides an important platform for animal welfare worldwide. Animals' Angels will be happy to participate again next year.