Bulgaria: Meeting Food Safety Authority in Sofia

Today the Bulgarian Food Safety Authority welcomes Dr Alexander Rabitsch, expert veterinarian with deep knowledge in animal transports and Animals’ Angels.

The discussion addresses the shortcomings in the application of the legislation on the protection of animals during long distance transports. The Bulgarian authority appears interested in taking steps in order to revise Regulation EC1/2005, thus joining the countries that have already requested the European Commission to revise the law and to make easier its enforcement by specifying its rules. Being involved as transit and bordering country, the Bulgarian authority also mentions the difficulties it is faced with in the export of live animals from EU to Turkey.

Animals’ Angels and other NGOs have been calling the exporting EU member states to stop authorizing transports to go on this route where the Regulation cannot be complied with. We continue to urge the European Commission to take all measures in its power to stop this illegal but profitable trade.