Animals 'Angels visits the camel market in Birqash near Cairo. This time we want to focus on the children who work at the market. They grow up in this harsh environment and hardly have the chance to really be children. Our team, consisting of Aya, a volunteer from Cairo, Jennifer, our intern, and our co-worker Ali, has prepared a workshop and a series of activities and games for the children.
On the first day they weave bracelets and paint animal pictures. The aim of the activities is for the children to gain confidence, recover from their daily work and simply have fun while the team familiarizes themselves with their interests and preferences. Unfortunately, not all children are allowed to stay with our team all day. The nine-year-old Ibrahim is the first to be called back to work.
The next day the children are already waiting for Aya, Jennifer and Ali. The three paint, do handicrafts and play with the children. Among other things, each child folds its own Origami camel. The children are great participants and this time are allowed by their parents to stay until the end.
One day these children will be the adults responsible for the animals at the market. That's why we want to build a bond with them today so that they treat the animals better than they have seen their fathers and grandfathers do. We still have a lot of work to do but gaining the trust of these children is also a great gift for us.