Animals’ Angels reports Bulgaria to the EU Commission. Since 2011, we have been documenting how EU legislation on the protection of animals during transport is systematically violated in this EU member state – be it on the export route via Bulgaria to Turkey, during Bulgarian animal transports or at animal markets.
Over the years, we have collected countless pieces of evidence – more than 92 complaints, reports and notifications have been sent to the Bulgarian authorities in the last ten years, filling now almost 1,300 pages in two folders. A sad balance, because behind each report there are so many individual fates of sheep, cattle and other animals, who are sold and traded as ‘goods’, and are not even granted the minimum standards of animal welfare.
Again and again, the Bulgarian authorities assured us that they would take action against these obvious violations – and yet, with each new investigation on site, we had to realize again that nothing has changed for the better for the animals, as our last mission in September 2020 confirmed once again. With our current complaint we ask the EU Commission to finally initiate EU infringement proceedings against Bulgaria.