Great interest in our brochures on heat transports

In our office brochures are packed for sending.

Currently we are packing hundreds of brochures in our office and sending one package after the other.

The brochures are aimed for police authorities. We developed them as part of our campaign against animal transport in the summer heat. The brochure contains relevant legal provisions and is intended to be a guide for officials who are confronted with situations such as the following:

What to do when a transport with animals is stuck in a traffic jam at temperatures above 30°C?

What to do if the animals suffer from heat stress?

There is great interest in the brochure. We are particularly pleased about the order from the Italian Ministry of the Interior: thanks to their interest, we were able to send more than 600 copies to police stations all over Italy.

We have also sent hundreds of copies throughout Germany. Some dedicated officials are helping with the distribution - we would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their efforts!