Tanzania: Animal welfare school visit to St Lucia pre-school and primary school in Mpwapwa

Animal welfare school visit

"What are the needs of animals?", "Are humans also animals?" and "What do humans and animals need for a happy life? We discuss these and other questions with Years 5, 6 and 7 of St Lucia Pre-School and Primary School in Mpwapwa, Tanzania.

Building on our last visit in July 2023, we use practical examples to discuss the application of the Golden Rule in relation to animals and people with around 60 children. The pupils are very engaged and give examples from their own lives. As a result, not only do the children learn from us, but we learn from them and their experiences.

We then meet the headmistress. She tells us how pleased she is that her children are being taught about animal welfare. It is not yet part of the curriculum and the schools rely on outside experts. We are very grateful for the warm and open welcome!