We are guests at LITA College in Mpwapwa and are holding a two-day workshop on animal welfare. Lecturers from colleges all over the country, a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture and various NGO representatives are invited.
Our packed programme gives participants an introduction to animal welfare, the needs of 'farm' animals and welfare issues at markets and during transport. Particularly impressive is the role play on the topic of "Enforcement of animal welfare laws":
The participants act out an animal market situation. The drivers of an overloaded animal transport need authorisation from the veterinarians for their transport. But this time, the loaded cattle also have a voice to represent their interests. After an intensive, lively discussion between transporters, vets and animals, everyone agrees that the overloaded transport will be unloaded.
The participants playing the cattle are visibly moved by their role and how difficult it is to make themselves heard as animals. After the role play, we travel to the market in Mpwapwa to see the challenging, real-life situation on the ground. The participants are grateful for the many - especially methodical - suggestions. We would like to thank the LITA College Mpwapwa for the opportunity to hold the seminar there and all the participants for their committed participation.