Please transfer your donation to the following donation account:<br/><br/><b>Germany</b><br/>
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank<br/>
IBAN: DE87 4306 0967 6027 9592 01<br/>
BIC: GENO DEM1 GLS<br/><br/>
Stiftung Animals' Angels Schweiz<br/>
Basler Kantonalbank<br/>
Clearing-No.: 770<br/>
Account: 16 5508 0830 6<br/>
Postaccount: 40-61-4<br/>
IBAN: CH54 0077 0016 5508 0830 6
<br />After a click on <em>donate now</em>, all data entered above will be submitted to Animals’ Angels so that we can send you your donation receipt and additional information about our work for the animals. We will never forward your data to third parties.