18. – 19.07.2012 | Spain – France - Italy

Animals’ Angels and the animal welfare organizations Anda and PMAF inspect a transport with cattle in southern France that is traveling from Spain to Italy. A young bull, Javier, is lying stretched out on his side with his head on the ground. The cramped space on the truck and the heat are likely too much for him. The drivers are able to drive Javier up. The team decides to continue following the transporter to see whether Javier recuperates. The transport is overloaded and the ceiling height is too low for some of the animals, which is a particularly serious problem due to the high temperatures. In addition, the transport documentation is not in order, as is the case with most of the transports coming from Spain. The poor planning and coordination will probably cause the transport to exceed the maximum transport duration. When the truck stops the next time in Italy shortly after midnight, it is markedly cooler and Javier seems to have recovered. Anda and Animals’ Angels will submit a complaint to the Spanish authorities because of the overloading and poor planning.