20.10.2014 | Inspection of Devonport Saleyard, Tasmania

Australien, Saleyard Tasmanien
Australien, Saleyard Tasmanien
Australien, Saleyard Tasmanien

Animals’ Angels visit this yard for the first time to see how the facility operates in terms of animal welfare. We do not observe any rough handling of sheep, calves or pigs or use of electrical shock prodders on sheep or calves.

The electrical shock prodder is used on two sows in a limited manner to get the animals to move out of a trailer and down the unloading ramp. The sheep, pig and calf section is quiet and calm, all vendors are using the ramps provided to unload their animals, and we also note that no one is using a rattle to get animals to move. This is a positive sign of improved welfare.

We mention the need for animal welfare signage, a flip cover for the pig/calf ramp because depending on the transport there can be a gap between the edge of the trailer or vehicle and ramp edge which can break a leg if one is caught, and some training in euthanasia of animals.

We observe only one animal from approx 400 sheep, 20 or so calves and approx 30 pigs which is not fit to load. The small pig is lame and has very limited use of his back left leg as the joint is swollen. They remove the pig which is shot a short time later.