21.02.2014 | Romania, Animal Market Radauti

Animals‘ Angels inspects the market in Radauti where cattle, horses, pigs and birds are sold. Like on most animal markets in Romania any kind of infrastructure is missing and the vehicles used are far from being conform with European standards. Some cattle are not identified which appears unthinkable in other EU states. At least most of the animals seem to be in good condition except two horses.

The body of the emaciated stallion Rasvan is covered with old – and luckily healed – wounds. The horseshoe attached to one of his back hooves is completely crooked and the hoof slightly deformed. Rasvan constantly relieves this leg. Nelu is put before a cart, he is not for sale, he transports goods. His left front hoof is broken and he is obviously suffering from pain.

Animals’ Angels will fight for permanent veterinarian supervision over the market or otherwise urge its closing.