Australia: Visiting Quoiba Saleyard

Animals’ Angels visit this yard and document 344 sheep, 46 pigs, 22 piglets and 63 calves for sale. The calves and pigs are contained in pens under cover and remain there during the sale until loading out begins. We note a few calves have scours but are otherwise fit to load and the pigs are all in acceptable condition. The sheep pens are not under cover and open to rain and heat. All sheep except one meet the fit to load requirements. The sheep who was lame in his left foreleg was shot immediately after the sale.

In our view some of the trailers carrying calves are not fit for purpose because either the floor is smooth or the calves are not given protection from the elements. The Land Transport Standards requires calves be given protection – "SB4.5  A person in charge of a bobby calf between five and 30 days old which is being transported must ensure the calf: i)  be protected from cold and heat." We discuss this with management who say they will keep an eye out and speak with relevant buyers/sellers. We also arrange for a box of booklets about caring for/handling/transporting dairy calves to be sent to the yard.

We will note our observations and recommendations in our report to the yard and regulating authority.