For More Respect Towards 'Farm' Animals in Tanzania: Big Workshop for Animal Welfare Teachers

Sophie of Animals' Angels with the Attendes of the Animal Welfare Workshop

Today starts our workshop for animal welfare teachers in Tanzania. The participants came from all over the country: animal welfare teachers from all eight LITA colleges, two animal welfare organisations, an official veterinarian and the animal welfare officer of the Ministry of Agriculture. After the welcoming words of the college director we start into an exciting day: group work, lectures and lively discussions. Our training material is received with great enthusiasm.

The next day we go into practice: We are at the cattle and goat market in Nyamatala. Equipped with questionnaires and measuring tapes, the animal welfare teachers get to know the reality of a market. Our goal is that they organize similar excursions with their students. Experiencing the situation at the markets with their own eyes prepares the students for their future role as market inspectors.

On the third day our workshop comes to a successful end: All participants receive our training package and a certificate. The feedback is overwhelming. Our material will now be an integral part of the teaching at all eight LITA colleges throughout Tanzania. With this we reach 3,587 students with our message for a respectful treatment of 'farm' animals. The Animal Welfare Officer of the Ministry of Agriculture is planning improvements at the cattle markets. In addition, she is determined to better implement the existing laws. We are very happy about this successful workshop.