Inspecting Lamb Transports from Romania to Italy

In Slovenia, Animals‘ Angels is looking especially for transports with lambs going from Romania to Italy. Each year, shortly before Christmas, the number of lamb transports is rising. Already on the second day, we find a truck with Romanian lambs. The animals are loaded on four decks. Consequently, the height of each deck is much too low. Many of the lambs are not able to stand upright and touch the ceiling with their heads and backs. Additionally, the truck’s water tanks are empty.

We call the Italian police and the competent official veterinarian. They order that the lambs must be unloaded and be given rest and water. They also impose against the transporter a fine of more than 4.000 €.

During our investigation, we also see trucks with horses from Poland, Lambs from Hungary and Poland, cattle from Czechia and many more.