Since 8:30 in the morning, our Moroccan Animals‘ Angels team is there with the donkeys and mules at Skherat animal market.
They inspect the animals’ halters and snaffles (which are mostly very old and broken) and exchange some of them with new ones. They also unharness the ‘working’ animals who are tied to carts while waiting for their owners the whole market day. And the tireless work of Ali, Habib and Boubaker already bears fruit: the team has indeed been able to convince some of the owners to unsolicitedly unharness and unburden their animals during their wait at the market.
As the owners are very interested in our brought along halters, our team considers for the next market day to reward with a halter those who unharness and unsaddle their animals immediately on their arrival. They feel certain that with this additional incentive the owners will better care for their animals.