Poland: Inspection of Zwolen Animal Market

Team of Viva! Interwencje, on behalf of Animals' Angels, inspects a slaughter-horse market in Zwolen.

The market is small, approximately 30 horses, but the scale of violence and animal suffering is extreme. The horses are whipped, and beaten with sticks. One of the horses is too large for the lift of a truck he is being loaded on. The farmers hit him on the back legs to make him fit the narrow space. Another horse is kept wearing a painful nose restraint for the entire market time. All horses are dirty with excrements. 

The team learns that the local county veterinarian had issued an administrative decision for closing the market on the grounds of animal welfare. But the operator, the city council of Zwolen, appealed to that decision claiming that no violations are taking place. The team forwarded its observations to the relevant authorities, supporting the decision of the county veterinarian.