Qatar: First Small Successes for the Animals in Qatar

Animals‘ Angels is again there with the animals in Qatar. We visit husbandries, markets and inspect animal transports coming from Saudi Arabia.

We have achieved first small successes for the animals:

  • At the central market, animals are no longer allowed to be sold directly out of the vehicles. They are all placed in pens now.
  • After we have distributed our animal welfare leaflets to the poultry and rabbit vendors, at our next visit most of the cages have been cleaned and the animals supplied with water – for the first time since we have known this market.
  • After we have complained about the sanitary conditions, the stables of a big cattle husbandry have been cleaned .

However, the transportation of camels is highly questionable, regularly causing them a lot of stress. Before loading, their legs are tied-up which forces them to sit during transport. They often have to endure in this position for many hours of transport. The animals are then placed with a crane on the loading bed of a pick-up or in a truck. The vehicles normally do not have any roof giving shade and in case the staff is not trained, they often hit or kick the animals.

Camel transports violating animal welfare are a problem not only in Qatar. Therefore, we want to comprehensively investigate into these transports in several other countries.